Welcome to the CB Hours best tipper script, This script was created in javascript which is a
client side language which means nothing you submit here is being transmitted to CB Hours.
recommended to maximize this window prior to hitting the start button as resizing the window can mess up
the pie chart display.
Show Instructions
Main Method:
1. Export your token history by going to
don't forget to copy the special code it gives you to be able to extract the file later.
2. Extract the file then go back to this page and click the Load token_history.csv and find the file you
just extracted.
3. You can pick a specific date range if you want otherwise go ahead and hit Start.
4. Once finished feel free to click the headers on the top of each table to sort by the different
Alternate Method (no charts):
1. You can copy the text directly from
(This takes you to English CB page and it must remain in english for the script to work).
2. Select the text starting at the first date you want and go all the way to the token balance of the
last date you want. One way of doing this is to hold shift and select the month of the first date you
want then let go of shift and keep pushing END on your keyboard, once you have reached the desired end
date hold down shift again and left click the spot to the right of the last token balance line then
right click and copy text.
3. Come back here and paste the information in the box and hit start (huge amounts of data may take time
to paste, be patient)
4. Once finished feel free to click the headers on the top of each table to sort by the different
"Count Negative Values" basically means you want to see outgoing token amounts for example lets
say your best tipper is a model named Jimbo and for Jimbo's birthday you tipped him 1000 tokens, if
count negative values is enabled you'll see an outgoing tip row showing the -1000 tokens and it will
reduce 1000 tokens from the total tokens. You will also see outgoing tips even if the person you are
tipping has never tipped you.
"Multiple highest tips from same person" only impacts the highest single tips pie chart and will make it
so that the same person can appear multiple times if they have multiple high tips that are high enough
to be in the top 5.
If the username is missing which is very common for fan club membership the users will be listed as
Unknown Users. Be aware that javascript is slow and it can take a while to process large amounts of
data, if you receive a message from browser that page is not responding just ignore it or push wait.
Switching tabs while the script is processing your information may cause this page to become blank but
the script should still be running in the background processing all of your data.