This button maker will help you create the floating social media icons for your chaturbate page and add an optional calendar/trophy.
The initial plan was to only release the square social media icons but I noticed some of
the more popular social media button creators out there were using icons that were stolen from models bios,
icons that were either custom created for them or created by the models themselves. To help keep things drama
free I have now released five new high quality icons created by an artist for cbhours. You may use these on any
website as long as its not another social media button creator site.
Choose your icon set below
Model's Bio and Free Webcam

You are eligible for a gold trophy since you have 120+ hours broadcasted in last 30 days.
You are eligible for a silver trophy since you have 70+ hours broadcasted in last 30 days.
You are eligible for a calendar icon since you're so cute.